Showing results for category 'Romantic'.

The ultimate date night: Your wedding
Here at Date Night Cincinnati, we focus all of our energy on the perfect date night. This time, we’re focusing on your ultimate date night — your wedding day. We decided to bring in an expert on the most popular trends seen in weddings recently. Our wedding...
A Truly Amazing Upscale Date Night at Eddie Merlot’s
Date night on a weeknight? I’ll take it! My husband is a pilot and doesn’t work a traditional schedule — so when the opportunity arises for a fun date night during the week, we’re always available! Sign me up for any reason to get dressed up, put on a fab...
Breaking the stereotype: Fun dating for the new age
When it gets closer to the weekend, you might find your partner asking, “What do you want to do?” Going on dates is fun whether it’s someone you just met or someone you’ve been with for a long time. Yeah, you have the stereotypical dinner and movie. That’s when you go...
Special Occasion Dining in Cincinnati and NKY
There are so many different ways we choose to celebrate, but intimate and romantic dining seems to be a longtime favorite. Nothing says romance like taking the time to plan a special dinner at a restaurant where you know the staff will create a memorable and romantic...