Showing results for category 'Date Activities'.

Date night cooking class at Cincinnati State
I can honestly say cooking is one of my favorite pastimes. I love the process of selecting the menu, gathering the items from my favorite local market, turning on my go-to playlist and diving into a new exciting recipe while drinking a glass of wine, of course. The...
The great escape at Houdini’s Room Escape
The first time I ever did an escape room was in Nashville, and it was amazing! No doubt, I had to give Houdini’s Room Escape in Montgomery a try. We arrived early at Houdini’s, so we had some time to relax in the waiting room. They give you several small puzzles...
Creating memories in glass at Brazee Street Studio
I recently heard about Brazee Street Studio from a friend, and after learning what it was, I just had to check it out! If you’ve never heard of it, it’s a large studio area in Oakley. They take up three buildings filled with different art studios, including the one we...
Encounters of the arctic kind: Newport Aquarium and penguin date
I know what you’re thinking: Newport Aquarium is where I take my kids or my little cousin. I don’t go there for date nights. I think, in my life, I had only gone to Newport Aquarium two or three times as a child. It was mostly for field trips, I guess. Two years ago,...